The marketing tools I use

A sample of the content I've created


The Complete Guide to Artificial Intelligence for Nonprofits

A long-form blog to explain AI to non-tech savvy audience with real-life examples.

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đź“š E-BOOK

CRM Buyers’ Guide

A guide I wrote and designed to help nonprofit organizations evaluate their needs and shortlist vendors to invest in the right technology.

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A Day In The Life Of A Data Analyst — What’s It Really Like?

A blog published on Canada Tech Talent to explain what the job of a Data Analyst consist of and why their role is key to the success of a company

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Former les demandeurs d’emploi du Québec aux métiers du web

Un article basé sur le témoignage de six étudiant(e)s pour mettre en avant les point forts du programme Le Wagon.

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Let Keela be your copilot

A video teaser to announce the launch of a new product at Keela.

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Career Day Behind the Scenes

A short video to promote Le Wagon’s career services to future students and potential hiring partners.

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